Covid-19 Update: Tier 3 Implications

Published 13:07 on 23 Oct 2020
This newsletter has been written following a day of analysis and review of the implications of a Tier 3 lockdown at Budworth given the situation in Greater Manchester and Liverpool.
Our advice to you, the members, is based on the Government's general position but supplemented with guidance from the RYA which is specific to our sport and, as a result, far more relevant to the club.
As a result, we strongly advise that members (including juniors) from Tier 3 areas do not attend the club from whenever the particular restrictions are implemented. We cannot prevent you from attending but we would ask you to consider your responsibilities in limiting the spread of the virus and the implications for members from lower tier areas who may not be comfortable with your presence.
To clarify the position, the government advise individuals not to travel into or out of a tier 3 area unless for work, education or caring responsibilities. The RYA, however, have taken a firmer stance stating that individuals in a very high risk area (ie Tier 3) 'Avoid travel to organised activity or events out of the area' [Appendices, page 22]
The Return to Sail team decided early on that we would abide by the RYA guidance and that has served us well (allowing, for example, for double handed sailing from different households) but in this instance, it works against us but it is not for us to pick and choose what suits the club.
I recognise this is difficult for tier 3 members (which also includes me) but we have no choice but to adhere to the RYA position (especially as there are insurance implications if we do not). We will continue to monitor the position and advise accordingly.
In the interim, we have consulted with the Fleet Captains and agreed that we will run the lockdown series to conclusion this weekend (although Saturday is looking interesting from the wind angle). We still plan to run the Autumn series but will obviously review the position as required.
I hate being the bearer of bad news and I hope that this is a temporary arrangement and that we can all get back to enjoying the sport we love.