Racing update - 14th October 2020

Published 11:21 on 22 Oct 2020
The sailing at the weekend was extremely enjoyable with good wind and great courses. We had a fantastic turnout with good competitive racing, and I must make a special mention to the Juniors. After a hard morning's training, 10 of the Juniors stayed on for the afternoon sailing and all completed the 3 races.
Following the weekend, we've now reviewed the arrangements for the remainder of the Lockdown Series and the upcoming Autumn Series, which has resulted in the following changes.
With the shortening winter days, we are changing the current start time for the 1st race from 2pm to 1pm with effect from this weekend's racing. This will ensure that racing can be completed within daylight hours and we will then change the start time to a 12 noon start for the Autumn series.
The popularity of the current Lockdown series has been excellent but it does mean that we would struggle to hold the planned Pursuit Race and Drivers Trophy on Sunday 25th October. As a result, we have decided to cancel this year's event and, instead, extend the current Lockdown series to complete on the weekend of 24th and 25th October. The fleet racing is proving very popular and there are few sailors who could be said to be running away with their series so an extra set of 3 races could prove interesting
Given the circumstances and the nature of the racing, we will, unfortunately, not be awarding formal trophies or glassware for the Lockdown Series but we will be providing suitable prizes for the top sailors in each fleet. These will be presented informally after the racing concludes on the 24th and 25th October.
Autumn Series
Our plans for the Autumn series are for the series to now start at 12 noon on Sunday 1st November. All fleets will then race 3 races every Sunday up to the final event on 20th December apart from the Raceboards who will now have Saturday afternoon to themselves.
Don't forget to ensure that you have appropriate clothing for the water especially as the wind chill will increase as winter draws in and sailors may be on the water for up to 3 hours. Can I also ask that everyone parks considerately in the car park as the number of spaces is reduced due to the work in the Eastern Boat Park. Please try and maximise the space available.
Finally, I'd like to thank all those volunteers who have stepped in to assist with PRO/ARO and Rib duties because without you we would struggle to run any racing at all. I'm also grateful for everyone complying with the covid restrictions thus ensuring the club can maintain its Covid-Secure status.
See you on the water,