Team Racing

In 2014 Budworth made a major investment in a flight of 6 firefly dinghies in order to introduce "Team Racing". This is a very tactical type of sailing, where the aims are somewhat different to a normal race with a "first past the post" winner. Instead, two teams of three boats compete to get their own team around a course whilst using the Racing Rules to try and slow the other team down!
It can be great fun, and certainly improves the boat handling skills for all concerned. Fireflies are ideal boats for this sort of competition, and popular at University sailing clubs for that reason.
We are now running regular team racing sessions. These take place on Sunday mornings and are open to sailors of all skill levels. Please see the poster below for the latest dates:

If you would like to give it a go, no matter your experience or age (Juniors very welcome), contact the Firefly Fleet Captain