Budworth status - Lockdown 2

Published 20:01 on 9 Nov 2020
Sadly, there will be no sailing at Budworth until further notice.
The RYA newsletter of the 4th November states, "Outdoor sports centres and amenities (which includes sailing clubs and watersports centres) will have to close". It does also state that "Recreational boating from a public outdoor space for single households and support bubbles or with one other person (with social distancing) may be possible."
This RYA newsletter was scrutinised by the Return to Sail group who recommended to the committee that we had no option but to close. As sailing clubs are explicitly advised to close, and, as a private club we are not classed as a public outdoor space, the committee unanimously voted to approve immediate closure. Our prime goal is the safety and wellbeing of our members. Although neither your committee nor fellow members want to stop sailing, we do very much hope that the nation's collective action will reduce the transmission of the virus and lead to a quicker resumption of normal activities.
The RYA has stated that we "may be able to access boats for essential checks and maintenance."
I would like to thank you for bearing with us and assure you that we will be reviewing guidance daily so we can start our sailing activities as soon as possible. In the meantime, your committee will be working hard to plan next year's sailing at Budworth SC.