Published 22:02 on 7 Dec 2020
Great News!. Post the national lockdown, Budworth Sailing Club finds itself in a tier 2 area, where the government is encouraging the resumption of grass roots sports. We are pleased to advise that Budworth Sailing Club is now reopened for sailing. We commenced racing again on Sunday the 6th. The wind barely played this week with just a whisper to push a fleet of 13 boats around a simple triangle. Racing continues on 13th & 20th December to conclude the autumn series. All members are reminded to use the 'Book a Slot' facility on the club website. In addition, don't forget to then sign in on the day of the race using the Race Management System (fixed again for next week).
Breaking the ice this winter
In an unprecedented move for the club, and in an attempt to make up for time lost due to the pandemic, your committee is looking at bringing forward and extending the Icebreaker series. The plan is for organized racing in January, February and through to the end of March 2021.
Pause for thought
Being able to resume sailing is great news, as is confirmation of the possible effectiveness of a number of vaccines. Hopefully this will lead the way down a route to normality and offer us the potential of a full sailing program next year. All of which would be brilliant.
However, we do need to curb our excitement and pause for thought. Until the vaccines are deployed we remain in a difficult state of the pandemic and high prevalence of the disease. The tier system yet again brings specific problems for Budworth Sailing Club. Although the club is in tier 2 some of our members live in tier 3 areas where the government guidance, confirmed by the RYA, is that "those living in tier 3 areas should avoid travel out of tier 3 areas".
Despite the fact that we really want everyone to be able to sail, the tier rules do create an unfairness in the restrictions imposed on some members. Budworth's return to sail (RTS) committee's priority has been, and continues to be, the safety of all our members. Our first recommendation will always be to ask members to follow government guidelines, including those on travel.
The committee recognize that a vote by Budworth's membership last month, expressed the view that members from tier 3 should not be restricted from attending the club. Consequently, the committee urges any members travelling from their tier 3 home to consider their social responsibility to other members. All members should follow the government and RYA recommendation regarding travel outside their tier. The RTS would implore all members to be especially vigilant and follow strict social distancing guidelines.
Cold Water shock
For all members who join us to sail during the Icebreaker, we need to highlight that the mere water temperature will now be starting to fall. The biggest danger in sailing at this time of year is the cold. Members are reminded that due to government guidelines during this pandemic, the clubhouse and changing rooms will remain closed until further notice. Please ensure you are comfortable with the sailing condition. Please ensure you are wearing suitable clothing to keep you warm in the event of capsize. Due to the pandemic, our club is still only be able to offer a rescue "support" service.
Boxing day fun
We are very much looking forward to the club being active again and are canvasing members through your fleet captains to determine if we should run a Boxing Day event. (Details TBA)
I would like to thank every member in the club for supporting us, especially those who have not been able to sail this year because of the pandemic. We can see a light of normality at the end of the tunnel and are very much looking forward to a great year once the pandemic is out of the way.