Team Racing - Saturday, 1st June

Published 11:43 on 31 May 2019
Team Racing
This coming Saturday 1st June we have an opportunity to try Team Racing. As there is no club sailing on Sunday due to the GP14 Open, here is your chance to get in your weekly sailing fix anyway.
This is open to all Club members whatever your skill level, this event is specially designed to introduce sailors to the fun and experience of team racing. Come along at 11:00 when we will introduce you to the club Fireflys and give a short introduction to team racing. We will then go on the water and run some races for fun – nothing serious!
Helms minimum skill level – need to be able to sail a race course
Crews minimum skill level – the ability to duck when the boat tacks to avoid being hit by the boom
If anyone/everyone wants to get competitive we will run a mini Random Pairs event, where for each race entrants are paired up differently and assigned specific boats for each very short race, lasting around 10 minutes (including the pre-start sequence!). Each race consists of four boats, where one pair of boats is racing against the other pair. Scoring is simple – last boat loses! So there is no point crossing the finish line if your partner boat is in last position, so you have to figure out a way (within the rules of sailing) to slow down your opponents and to get your partner boat through. Of course your opponents are trying to prevent this. Cue some exciting and fun team racing.
Whether a helm or crew (we need both to sail a Firefly) come along and give it a go. Do not worry about coming along on your own – we will find you a helm or crew as required, and will probably swap everyone around anyway. We would appreciate knowing who is coming along beforehand, so if you plan on sailing please let Russell Page know (but if not, come along on the day anyway).