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Home | News | "Gybe talking" returns!
Home | News | "Gybe talking" returns!

"Gybe talking" returns!

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Published 13:34 on 29 Nov 2022

This year's Thinks and Drinks will return with a natty new rebrand! Our first talk will be from the super speedy Ted Garner on "Maximising boat speed".

The series will continue through the winter as follows:



Gybe talk


01 December 2022


Maximising boat speed

Ted Garner

07 December 2022


First to the windward mark

Hugh Attfield

16 December 2022


Introduction to Racing Rules

Nick Devereux

Break for Christmas

12 January 2023


Nailing the Start

Jon Chapman

20 January 2022


Prepping your boat for the new season

Bill Kenyon

26 January 2023


Downwind sailing and leeward marks

Tony Wilcock

02 February 2023


Optimising your photography

To be confirmed

09 February 2023


Splice the rope (and the main brace)

Hugh Devereux

Bill Kenyon

17 February 2022


Planning a race - Pointers to preparation

To be confirmed

23 February 2023


What does the Race Officer do

To be confirmed

The talks will start at 7:30pm and are typically an hour in length. They are mostly free, with the exception of the splicing evening, for which we will make a charge to cover costs.

Please sign up for the events via the links on the events above. Although they're free (with the exception of the spicing evening, to cover costs) that way, we know how many to expect.

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