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Home | News | Commodore's December Newsletter
Home | News | Commodore's December Newsletter

Commodore's December Newsletter

Published 00:00 on 20 Dec 2022

The frozen Mere - view from the ILCA boat park

After a fantastic year of sailing it has been a real shame we have not been able to sail for the last few weeks due to the weather. As you can see, the Mere was still frozen this morning. Hopefully the Mere will thaw in time for our annual Boxing Day bash. As a result of having to cancel racing again, I have decided to delay the frostbite prize giving until the end of the Icebreaker series in the spring. In the meantime, while the excitement builds for the arrival of Santa, I just thought I would take the opportunity to introduce Paul our treasurer and let you know about some of the fabulous activity at the club since my last newsletter.

Our Treasurer - Paul Clancy

Introduction to our Treasurer Paul Clancy

I started to learn to sail in 2017 at Budworth when I was 53. An overweight, middle-aged, desk-bound chartered accountant - it was an obvious choice. Me learning to sail in a laser pico! What could possibly go wrong?

My wife, Tracy-Anne and our daughter Annabel have both been very supportive of my new passion for sailing and the club. The support from other Solo fleet members and other more experienced sailors at the club has been tremendous and each season I feel I am making progress with my sailing.

This year I qualified as a dinghy instructor and crewed in the GP14 and Snipe Opens - in all three I was well out of my comfort zone but I enjoyed all three events and they have all helped to improve my sailing. Interestingly, I have capsized more this season than last year but my sailing (and results) has improved considerably as I keep pushing myself. And as a recent graduate of the "Better Sailing Group" that would be my one piece of advice - keep practising, get on the water as much as you can and listen to the advice offered by those more experienced either by crewing or attending a Gybe Talking or just asking someone for a bit of advice.

I mentioned that I am a chartered accountant by training so it will come as no surprise that I am the Club Treasurer. It is a privilege to be able to support the club by looking after the books and helping to keep the club in a healthy financial position. Having worked most of my life for some very large companies and lived in the US, Hong Kong and Japan - it is actually very satisfying being the Treasurer as the finances feel much more real at Budworth.

I retired last year from paid work and now have a number of non-profit roles that help to keep my mind active. And joining the Wednesday Covert 19 group at the club has helped to get my body active whether it is cutting the grass, applying sealant to the roof of the containers, clearing the slipways of weed or whatever needs to be done to help keep the club looking spick and span - a lovely way to spend a Wednesday in a super location with some great company. And no need for a gym membership!

End of Season Juniors and Parents Party

Well the juniors certainly showed us they can throw a great end of season party! Judging by the photos, they had a great time with games such as curling and the all important hog roast rolls washed down with plenty of fizzy drinks. Our thanks goes to Hannah and her team for organising such a great event for so many juniors who all clearly had a fantastic time.

Curling in the Clubhouse

The all important food

75th Anniversary Dinner Dance

Wow! What an event, great food, fantastic band and a little history lesson thrown in for good measure. It was fantastic to see fellow sailors in there DJs and spectacular dresses dancing the night away.

Our thanks go out to Dianne Owen for once again organising such an enjoyable event, but also Pauline Penny for helping set up the venue and to Alison Hubbard for putting us in contact with such a great band. Our thanks also go out to the Heyrose Golf club for hosting the event and The West End Jerseys for keeping us entertained.

The Dinner Dance in Full Swing

Nick making full use of his Bobble Hat/Mark

Gybe Talking

Once again the winter evening training sessions have proved a success with both new and old sailors coming together to share some words of wisdom.

So far we have had a great talk by Ted on boat speed, I've given some ideas on how to be first to the windward mark and not blow it when you get there and finally, an enlightening session on the rules from Nick, showing once again, his dedication using his hat as a mark.

The good news is that there is still more to come. The next session will be from Jon on 12th January and will cover how to nail the start. Jon will start his talk at 7:30pm and will continue for about an hour.

Our next talk will be from Bill on preparing your boat for the season ahead and our last session in January will be covering downwind sailing and leeward marks by Tony.

Please sign up for the events via the Budworth website, so we know how many to expect.

Duty Rota 2023

The duty rota chart has been displayed at the club since the date of the AGM and it will remain there until Boxing Day. If you have not already selected your duty dates for next season, please try and visit the club and select your dates from those still available. Please note there are other non sailing duties available.

If you are unable to get to the club before Boxing Day, the duty rota will be displayed on the club website early in January. You will have until the end of January to select your dates. All members are required to volunteer for a minimum of 2 duties in their appropriate category. If you are unsure as to which category you fall into, please contact Jon Chapman (assistant racing secretary) for advice.

All duties are provisional until the rota has been reviewed by the relevant committee members. We need to ensure that we have the correct skill levels each duty date.

Any member who has not selected duties by the end of January will be allocated available dates by the duty rota administrators.

If you need any help or advice, Jons email is

Commodore's Top Tip

Now the season is drawing to close, what a great opportunity to give your boats some TLC and save yourself some money. Whilst the club lets people store their boats and boards at the club for a very modest fee, ideally we would like you to take them home so we don't have to move them during the working parties.

Taking your boat home for the winter also gives you the opportunity dry it out and make sure the mast step is free of water which can freeze and damage it. Fix those minor gelcoat scratches and give it a well-deserved wash and polish for a race fit hull early next season.

Boxing Day Bash

Boxing Day Bash

Following a probable over indulgence on Christmas day, what better event to blow off the cobwebs and meet some old and current friends at the Boxing day bash. It's a simple two race handicap event starting at 12:00. It is open to all mono hull classes of boat with a PY960 and above. If you want even more fun, then why not consider fancy dress so longs as it safe. There are prizes for single and double handers with all profits being donated to the RNLI.

Mark Philpot has once again volunteered to be PRO for the day, but will need some assistance for ARO and rescue; so if you are at a loose end and don't fancy sailing then please contact Mark. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Whatever the weather brings, you will be greeted at the shore with mince pies and mulled wine and will have the chance to have a few more drinks in the bar afterwards. What better way to spend the afternoon!

Santa on his way

Finally before I sign off for Christmas I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas, a happy and healthy new year!



Commodore - Hugh Attfield
Visit our website for more details

Budworth Sailing Club
Warrington Road
Great Budworth

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