December Newsletter

Published 14:34 on 18 Dec 2020
Ultimate day of autumn series
Having reopened the club to sailing again only ten days ago, I am pleased to report that it has been used during the week, primarily by the Raceboarders. We hope those of you who wish to, will sail and enjoy the final autumn series sailing day this coming Sunday. Sailing is a great way to enjoy outdoor exercise and is allowed us in good time to finish the autumn series, a great early Xmas present.
Boxing Day Blues
The final sailing opportunity of 2020 will be at our Budworth Boxing day event. In light of government guidelines, it will be restricted to club members only. Those who have been before will recall this as a festive handicap racing day, open to all club members weighted down by turkey, stuffing and Christmas pudding. It is a great way to dust off those cobwebs and fight the blues after imbibing a few too many and overeating on Christmas day. We hope you will enjoy, easing those waistbands and getting the blood pumping again with both a great sail at the mere and a safe, socially distanced opportunity to get together with friends.
This year there will be two handicap races with the first start at 12 noon prompt. The booking system on the club website is now open. Please book as soon as you can, even if you choose not to sail. Unlike previous years there will no entry fee, but we will be asking for a donation with all contributions going to the RLNi, carrying on our tradition of supporting this great institution at this festive time of the year.
Fleet requests for More Sailing
Members continue to convey to me their eagerness to take every opportunity to get back on the water and enjoy our brilliant sport. Following a canvass of the fleets by all the fleet captains, there is a clear and genuine desire from members for the club to run some organised racing early next year. So, for 2021, the committee has asked me to confirm that the Icebreaker series will be brought forward and extended. It will commence on Sunday 10th January and run for a twelve week series concluding on Sunday 28th March.
In view of likely colder weather conditions in the early part of the series, initially it will be run as two short handicap races, run back to back with the first race starting at 13:30. This will enable sailors to have time for an early hot lunch, before getting to the club. Anticipating having sufficient numbers in any one fleet, your Racing Secretary would hope to be able to extract results to present fleet prizes as well as an overall prize.
The format will be reviewed frequently by your Committee's return to sail group. As light allows, we would look to gradually increase the number of races held, up to the usual three races a day. Please bear with us as we adapt to both weather and government guidelines. Keeping everyone warm and safe will be our priority. Please help us by wearing appropriate sailing attire for the conditions of the day and help us to keep the time between races short by rigging in a timeous manner and remaining afloat between races.
Waiver for winter 2021 storage fees
As the fleet feedback was in favor of extending opportunities to sail into the new sailing year, your committee has determined to waive winter storage fees enabling those who wish to, to leave their boat at the club without incurring a winter storage charge.
Off water virtual sailing
The virtual regatta series final will be run this Sunday (20th December) at 5pm. Podium positions are yet to be decided. A new series will start in January 2021. New participants always welcomed.
Armchair Americas Cup
Many sailors look to Sir Ben Ainsley for inspiration. The one time Optimist sailor who grew up to became a sailing Olympiad is now competing in the Americas Cup in a 75ft foiling boat. The first race Thursday 17th December can be viewed on-line or selected TV channels. The racing series continues until Saturday 20th December.
New Years Resolution
With the New Year comes hope for the future. Whilst our short term may still reflect the need for caution and care, the prospect of vaccine efficacy and guideline relaxation during 2021 are hoped not to be too far away. When you find yourself reflecting over the year, might it be that one of your New Year resolutions will relate to your sailing? Whatever you decide, let us all agree to resolve to stay healthy and fit for the new sailing season.
As this is my last Newsletter of 2020, I would like wish you and your families all a happy Christmas and a fantastic new year.