Ribs and Safety
Published 09:37 on 2 Mar 2018
As our Commodore indicated at the AGM this year, we need to improve our management of safety and Rib driving standard. To that end we are employing a Rib driver on Sundays and they will need to be happy that you know what you are doing if you are driving a club rib. At other times the responsibility lies with the Officer of the Day.
Jon Chapman is overseeing the Safety operation and will provide details of the operating procedures with your duty reminders. THIS IS NEW, please read it.
Part of the new operating procedure is a requirement for every rib driver to demonstrate their ability and skills every 3 years. There will be a relatively small number of members and the Rib officer who can sign you off on a standard test. This applies even if you hold a PB2 or other qualification. If you are proficient this will take little time.
If you have been assigned a Rib driving post and really don't think this is appropriate, then we will address this either with training or you will need to arrange a swap.
There will be two dates (March 17th and 24th) for Rib training at the club, and we would encourage you to take part in these. The first date will be used for training less experienced members and we will sign them off at the end of the day. The second date will be provided to enable experienced members to be signed off as competent.
Please work with us on this endeavour, we are doing it for the safety of club members and to ensure that the club is being responsible in carrying out it's statutory duty of care to members and the public. Please treat the members with the responsibility to do this with respect.