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First Aid Focus

Published 18:30 on 25 Aug 2021

Where's Budworth Sailing Club's defibrillator? I've recently been randomly posing this question to members.
Answer: It's in the main clubhouse, lots of you correctly answered.

So why does this matter? In an emergency it's important to know where the defibrillator is and use it quickly.

Hitting the headlines recently during Euros 2020, the defibrillator, (sometimes known as an AED), is a device which restores a normal heartbeat or restarts the heart if it stops. A defibrillator increases a person's chance of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest two to four-fold, but every minute of delay decreases the chance of survival by ten per cent.

Defibrillators are designed to be easy to use. They'll talk you through what you need to do. You don't need training.

Budworth's First Aid kits have recently been overhauled to support the safety of all club users. BSC now has five kits. These are to be found in the main clubhouse, galley, (drawer and wall), race operations box, main entrance hallway, (in portable grab bag format), and Container A, the 'Bosun's shed'. The kits in Container A and the galley, (wall), additionally contain eye wash. You'll also find a guide to electrical shock next to these two kits.

Each of BSC's RIB safety boats carries a safety kit, (white barrel with a red lid), which includes a smaller first aid kit.

To help protect from the risk of infection during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, face shields or pocket masks are included in all kits.

Details of the nearest hospitals with Accident and Emergency facilities, and the full location of the club are displayed beside the first aid kits.

When someone is injured what do you do? Lots of BSC members have been trained in first aid and can provide help quickly. BSC is putting together a list of the names of members with first aid qualifications, to help you find a first aider already at the club, The list will be available beside the first aid kits. Please let Jackie Purvis know if you're qualified and willing to be included on this list.

Next time you're down at BSC why not check out where the defibrillator is. You could save a life.

All first aid kits are checked regularly. If you have any questions or to replace used items please contact Jackie Purvis.

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