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Home | News | Commodore's Newsletter October
Home | News | Commodore's Newsletter October

Commodore's Newsletter October

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Published 18:34 on 21 Oct 2022

Dear Member,

The Halloween season is upon us, and you know what that means. For most people, it is scary and at the same time cute. For us sailors, it signifies the time when the clocks go back an hour and race start times change with the need to accommodate when the sun goes down.

Fireworks and Celebrations

The UK Windsurfing Association National Championships were held at Rutland Water on 17th and 18th September. Olly Cooper, a Budworth Junior member, can celebrate his winning 4 of the 8 races in a field of 61 windsurfers, to become the 2022 Under 17 National Champion using his Techno 7.8m windsurfer.

Inaugural Blast

The recreational sailing group marked the end of a highly successful year with their inaugural end-of-season regatta. It is planned to make this an annual event based on the keen fifteen boat turnout of Saturday September 24th. For many, this was their first experience of an 'official race series'. There were a few nervous sailors heading out to the start line for a blast around the mere in the 3 back-to-back race series. Nerves soon turned to smiles however once the first race got underway.

Racing was closely fought and the rules well observed. Overall winner was Simon Stannard (Solo) who won on a tie break with David Beesley crewed by new member, Zhian (GP14). Third was Mike Martin crewed by Dave Whittaker (GP14). The Endeavour prize went to father and son team Michael and Adam Ball (GP14). 'Most Improved' was awarded to Pete Taylor (Fusion). The prize for 'Entertainment' went to David Pye who ably demonstrated how to capsize a Laser as well as how to mount the far bank! All involved had a fantastic time and a great experience.

Going with a Bang

Early Octobers gales and wet westerlies remind us all that without 'Tie Downs' our precious dinghies can go flying off with a bang. Gusty winds and freak storms are prevalent. We must all be sure we tie down our precious dinghy and protect it from the elements. Most insurance policies require that each boat be secured with its own pair of tie down stakes. These are available from the club's own chandlery at a bargain price of £5 per pair. (Please resist the non-compliant temptation to share your neighbours tie downs.)

Blown Away

I am blown away with the news that our current membership stands at 545, making it the 4th highest ever in the clubs 75 year history. The 2023 membership renewals were sent out on 1st October with requests for members to make timely payment prior to the AGM to facilitate production of the club handbook and associated duty rota. Remember that if you renew before the AGM you will only have to pay at existing rates. Fees paid after the AGM will be at rates which may be uplifted in the review and vote on next year's fees which takes place the AGM. Many thanks to Stefany Ward, our membership secretary for the many hours she has devoted to sending us our very own reminders to pay our dues in good time.


It's time for yet more fireworks to celebrate another club achievement. I am thrilled to announce that in early October the club was awarded RYA 'OnBoard' status. This brings official RYA recognition that the club has good, safe training with a clear pathway from first sail to regular participation. Open to all juniors (8-18), OnBoard is a beginner programme that gets young sailors on the water for their first time. There is no experience or equipment needed to get to start learning to sail or windsurf. The programme is also progressive, so new junior members can work their way to sailing stardom through the RYA Youth Schemes. It also means our club can attract RYA coaching days from the regional team and may access OnBoard branded items.

Rising stars

The RYA NW Junior and Youth Travellers Trophy is held over 9 events throughout the year. This year, it attracted 144 competitor and culminated on Saturday 15th October at Leigh & Lowton Sailing Club. Tristan Shaw of Budworth, rose through the ranks to achieve the position of first under 14 year old. Meanwhile, Budworth's Freya Antonelli secured first place for under 11 year old across all these 9 events.

Lighting the way

The Junior Regatta held on Sunday 16th October saw 21 young sailors take to the water in the final session of the year with three back to back races and two fleets. The Gold fleet was won by Rosanna Joyce, Silver fleet was won by William Sinclair. The fleets included a number of Budworth's 'new beginner' sailors some who had never raced before. A very special mention goes to Luke Shaw for running the event, and to the team of Beth Holbrook, Ross Baird and Steve Joyce for overseeing the juniors all year.

Dynamite Date

The annual Driver & Pursuit Trophy will be held on Sunday 30th October with 1st race commencing at 11:00 am. Following on from the success of earlier this year all three races will be pursuit races. Not wishing to blow this one up too far, but this will be a date to remember and a full on day of sailing. The best three boat team results per fleet, over three pursuit races, will count towards deciding the winning fleet for the Driver trophy. The day will be rounded off with a hot meal in the clubhouse after racing, bookable via the club website.

Government Seat

The Annual General Meeting of Budworth Sailing club will be held on Wednesday 9th November at 19:00. Do not miss the chance to come and review the successes of the past year, talk with your potential representatives and vote for the nominations to your governing committee for the new sailing year. The bar will be open and you will also benefit from the opportunity to indicate your preferred duty dates on a paper chart version of the 2023 Duty rota. It is a great evening when all renewed and new members can meet, mix and hear about all the good things planned for the next year.

Priceless Celebration

Our club's Annual Prize giving will be held on Saturday 13th November at 19:00. This free social event is where we can congratulate and celebrate all the worthy winners of our club trophies and prizes. Everyone should attend to collect their prizes bring your crews and join fellow competitors to re-live those special wins. This is a very sociable evening with buffet food provided by the club to accompany your beverage purchases from the bar.

Forks & Sparklers

Back after many years of absence the club is hosting an annual dinner dance at Heyrose Golf Club on Saturday 3rd December. Join us in celebrating the last two truly memorable years at the club, in reaching our 75th Anniversary (2021 2022) and in winning the prestigious RYA and Yachts & Yachting Club of the Year 2022 award. By popular request, the event will feature a dinner dance, complete with three course meal and live entertainment by 'The West End Jerseys Boys' taking us through the music of the 50's and 60's.

Availability is limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. Price £50 per person including meal and live entertainment. Posters will be put up around the clubhouse showing a copy of the menu to aid making your meal choices. Tickets are available now for members and partners via the club website portal. Book now as tickets are limited.

Heyrose Golf Club is 5 miles / 10 minutes from the sailing club and accessed via Budworth Road, Tabley, Cheshire, WA16 0HZ. Cars may be left overnight by arrangement. Please contact if you have any questions or need further information or Tel: 07379 600551.

Budworth Buzz

This is my last newsletter as Commodore of Budworth Sailing Club. It has been my honour and privilege to work on your behalf for the past two years. Our club has achieved many accolades with a reputation for success due to the united approach adopted by our members in taking our club forwards to a bigger and better future.

Team work and voluntary commitment by numerous members has been of invaluable personal assistance. I would particularly like to thank all those on the committee, as well as many others who have spearheaded various projects, for their diligent assistance in raising the club to its currently level of activity and achievement.

The phenomenal increase in activity within both the junior and recreational sailing groups has been wonderful to watch. Seeing the club help new members embark on their "sailing journey" has been a delight to witness. I truly believe we have put the buzz back into Budworth, showing our club to be a warm, welcoming and a friendly club, eager to reach out and support all members, whatever their sailing ability.

Thank you everyone for your united support and I trust our new Commodore will enjoy his forthcoming years of tenure with similar levels of camaraderie, support and fun to those that you have shared with me.

Fair Winds and happy sailing


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