March Newsletter - Return to sailing

Published 10:29 on 25 Mar 2021
Hopefully this Newsletter brings the news you have all been waiting for. The government and RYA have been working together to plan a gradual controlled release from restrictions and staged reopening of sailing activities.The first step is for outdoor sports to resume from the 29th March 2021.
First Steps into Sailing
Your "return to sailing" group have looked at the implications and your committee have approved their recommendations which are designed to comply with RYA and Government guidelines. Happily, this means that Budworth Sailing club can reopen its gates on Monday 29th March 2021.
- Recreational sailing is permitted to recommence without the need for booking.
- However, to reduce risk of emergency services being required, sailing is only permitted when there are a minimum of 2 boats AND subject to a maximum wind speed of 15 knots.
- The clubhouse disabled toilets will be open but the Club house and changing rooms are to remain closed.
- All members must follow all the prevailing government Covid rules and guidance, follow social distancing on shore and observe the rule of 6.
- Where two people from different households sail together or operate a rescue boat please follow RYA guidelines, RYA Sailing & Racing in Mixed Households.pdf
We are delighted that sailing can resume and we have great confidence that the successful vaccine roll out will ensure we can soon return to normal and enjoy a fantastic sailing season. However, as we come out of the pandemic, we would like to ask you to be cautious and conscientious in following the guidance given so we can all safely enjoy our beautiful club.
Organised sailing
Full racing program will re-commence as follows:
- Saturday Handicap Points Series from 3rd April 2021
- Sunday Main Points Series from 4th April 2021
- Wednesday Midweek Sailing from 7th April 2021 (initially one race / week)
- Tuesday Raceboard series from 13th April 2021
- Organised sailing for the "Better Sailior's" starts on Saturday mornings from 3rd April 2021.
For ALL racing, remote sign-on is mandatory as members will not be allowed to enter the club house to enter races. Race starts will be organised to minimise time between races. This is to encourage sailors to sail in "back to back" races without returning to the shore, thus minimising numbers of people on shore at any time.
2021 On-line Duty Rota
As per my January Newsletter, we have implemented an on-line duty rota this year. All members who didn't pick their own duties have now been allocated duties. With the re-commencement of racing, this duty rota is now operational. Any member who has any concerns regarding being on duty during the pandemic is requested to arrange a swap of their own duty date with one allocated after 21st June 2021. At that point we are advised the government hopes all restrictions can be lifted. Any problem signing up for duties, please contact our rear commodore,
Race Control
In accordance with current Covid restrictions, only one household is allowed in the race control box at any one time. It is thus necessary to advise that until restrictions ease, all those doing a PRO duty must manage racing from a rib on the water. The racing secretary will issue amended instructions for race officers.
The return to sail group will continue to monitor both the government spring opening plans and RYA interpretation, so we reflect the government's cautious plan and react to any changes in circumstances as necessary.
Bosun organiser
We are seeking an 'organiser' to take on the role of Bosun. The club Bosun ensures uninterrupted operation of our rescue boats. You would be asked to plan and co-ordinate dates with our marine engineer contractors who do the maintenance for our rescue boat fleet. Our sailing relies on these boats both to provide rescue cover and for our race management teams to organize racing.
Ultimately your club is run by the membership for the membership and being part of the team is rewarding and provides the satisfaction that you are doing your bit for your club, so please do contact me if you can help:
Have you forgotten anything?
After this long winter break, it is now the time to check out your boat and prepare yourself for a super racing start. Have you remembered everything? Is all your paperwork in order? To enable you to join in with racing the club requires you to provide 3rd party insurance of a minimum of £2 million. So please check your certificate is in order before you bring your racing machine to Budworth.
Finally, Welcome Back
So, I am sure you will all agree, its great news that 75th season for Budworth Sailing Club is about to commence. I would like to wish everyone a great season and I cannot tell you just how much I am look forward to seeing you on the water and participating in the sport we love so much.
Best Regards